A Democrat’s Praise for Republicans

I’m not sure how many of you caught this, but Mitch McConnell took a stand yesterday I hope indicates sanity could begin to prevail in Washington. The fact that I’m praising this man surprises me as I fervently abhor his politics in general, but I think we need to separate character from political opinions, and Mitch just showed a lot of character. He also knows his words could do him much political damage with voters he needs for support, but spoke the truth even when it could and probably will hurt him. He did this because he obviously took our country’s welfare over his own, the true mark of a leader deserving respect, something we’ve had darn little of the past four years in American politics. In reference to Trump darling, the newly elected congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, Mitch said the following:

“Somebody who’s suggested that perhaps no airplane hit the Pentagon on 9/11, that horrifying school shootings were pre-staged, and that the Clintons crashed JFK Jr.’s airplane is not living in reality,” He called Greene as he saw her “looney.”

Lots of Trump fans, if not most, think Trump was reviled for his political positions. As always, politics played a factor, but, for me anyway, my basic problem is that I saw and still see a man almost devoid of fundamental morality, a super warped combination of Al Capone and PT Barnum, the latter famous for saying “There’s a sucker born every minute” and this philosophy Trump used repeatedly to great effectiveness.

Look, conservatives, I don’t hate you and in many cases it’s just the opposite. I despise Trump the man, period, and think without the slightest doubt he will go down in history as the worst president we’ve ever had, and I lived through Nixon and Watergate.

Lots of people have said we just witnessed a great American tragedy in reference to the invasion of our capitol. I don’t agree. I think it was the perfect ending for a guy like Trump as it showed what happens when truth takes a back seat to a quest for power. McConnell knows this too and I hope more Republicans climb aboard. Want to regain the White House Republicans? Forget Trump ever existed and look for someone like Ronald Reagan. I always hated Reagan’s politics too, but never the man because he truly cared for this country and I always sensed that deep down in his core he was a good person worthy of our respect. Tip O’Neill knew this too and Nancy Pelosi should study Tip’s behaviors closely, stop the name calling, and get down to doing America’s business as Reagan and O’Neill often did.

As for Democrats today, I think it is time in some cases to move on. I don’t favor impeachment. The best way to deal with an attention-seeking guy like Trump is to ignore him. We also have an opportunity to show that we are willing to work toward the middle. It looks like this is just what President Biden is trying to do with the next Covid bill.

And as much as anything, we must stop viewing political differences as good vs. evil because doing so makes us behave poorly and forget we’re all very flawed creatures just trying to survive, “poor miserable sinners” as it’s often said in my church.

Good bless you and God bless America. And please, God, help us with Covid. I think it’s made all of us a little nuts, but maybe it will make us better, and stronger in the end as adversity is known to do.

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